Manufacturing Project


The project involves the production of two products packaged in 2 fl. oz. bottles:

The production operation will employ twenty(20) to forty(40) production workers, depending on the option, and the level of operation. The sales unit consists of one bottle of each product packaged together in a shrink wrap package.

The project has several options as to how the product is marketed:

Within each option there are the following levels:

Both products serve extremely large markets reaching into practically every household and business.


The need for products to eliminate the static charge which accumulates on glass and plastic surfaces is apparent whenever one sits down to use a computer, or turns on a T.V. Glass cleaners ( Windex, Glass Plus, etc.) remove dirt but leave behind the static charge, which immediately begins to attract particulates (dust and dirt) back to the surface.


The market for CD's for computers and audio players is growing at an astronomical rate. Market research has indicated that CD cleaners have not penetrated to the extent that they are available everywhere CD's are sold. DiskDoctor is designed to take advantage of the market niche which currently exists for CD cleaners.

Investment and Gross profit

The required investment and gross profit for the proposed project is summarized in the table below ( based on a selling price of $10/unit plus $3.95 for shipping and handling).

Production (units)
Total revenue$697,500 $1,395,000$2,790,000
Total expenses$337,950 $644,900$1,205,300
Management Fee$125,843 $262,535$554,645
GROSS PROFIT$233,708 $487,565$1,030,035
INVESTMENT$112,200 $217,900$376,300

A closed corporation will be formed specifically for the implementation of this project. Investors will have the option of reinvestment in additional projects, or relinquishing their equity for profits paid.

The unique feature of this investment opportunity is the utilization of a labor intensive strategy to produce the product. Jobs are created by using people rather than machines to package the product. This has the impact of reducing the capital costs, as well as the time required to start-up production operations.

Find Out More

P.O. Box 42792
Philadelphia, PA 19101, U.S.A.

Phone: (215)998-3063